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How to Control Developmental Editing Rates within a Team
How to Control Developmental Editing Rates within a Team

Control the editing costs with the Mutlicollab plugin that allows Google doc-style editing to improve...

Get Your Q’s Answered about the New Multicollab Premium Plugin
Get Your Q’s Answered about the New Multicollab Premium Plugin

Editing Gutenberg blocks in WordPress is now as simple as editing a google document.

How Multicollab Makes Content Collaboration in WordPress Better Than Google Docs
How Multicollab Makes Content Collaboration in WordPress Better Than Google Docs

WordPress content collaboration in Google Docs is filled with roadblocks. Here is how Multicollab, a...

How do I use the Gutenberg editor in WordPress?
How do I use the Gutenberg editor in WordPress?

Let’s explore how you can use the Gutenberg editor in WordPress by leveraging various features...

Streamline WordPress Content Collaboration Workflow
Streamline WordPress Content Collaboration Workflow

Thanks to Multicollab which not only help to solve the above problem but also provides...

Why Gutenberg Won't be the same with Multicollab
Why Gutenberg Won’t be the Same with Multicollab

Gutenberg is great on its own, but Multicollab has taken it to another level thanks...