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WordPress approving the post before publishing
Publishing WordPress drafts made easy through editorial feedback and review

Here you will learn how you can approve posts before publishing in WordPress. It’s been...

WordPress Content Collaboration
WordPress content collaboration – Why is it time-consuming and how to make it fast?

You’ll learn how WordPress content collaboration can save time for content writers, editors, and publishers.

How to add Inline comment in WordPress?
How to add Inline comment in WordPress

Using the Inline commenting feature, you can select any text/media and add comments, just like...

Why Do Content Publishers Need WordPress Collaboration Plugins?
Why Do Content Publishers Need WordPress Collaboration Plugins?

WordPress content collaboration plugins make the content publication process easier. Find out how?

How do I add a direct (@mention function) comment in WordPress?
How do I add a direct (@mention function) comment in WordPress?

Sharing editorial feedback within WordPress Gutenberg Editor would have been a dream, thanks to Multicollab.

Why Gutenberg Won't be the same with Multicollab
Why Gutenberg Won’t be the Same with Multicollab

Gutenberg is great on its own, but Multicollab has taken it to another level thanks...

How Workflows Have Changed for Editorial Teams
How Workflows Have Changed for Editorial Teams

Editorial teams have to become creative with their strategies to keep their members productive &...